Car accidents are stressful enough as-is without having to worry about your insurance company denying a payout afterward. You need that money to help pay for medical bills, repair or purchase a new car, and pay for your other expenses while you’re unable to return to work. In short, if your insurance company denies your car accident claim, it can throw a wrench into things and make the recovery process that much harder. 

There’s still hope, though; there are things you can do afterward to get the money you deserve.

Understand Why The Claim Was Denied

There are several reasons an insurance company may deny your claim. To proceed, you need to understand what went wrong and if there’s anything you may be able to do to fix it. The good news is that most of the time, the reason for the denial will be put into writing. Here are some common denial reasons:

  • You, or whoever filed the claim for you, are not covered under the company’s insurance policy. Alternatively, the vehicle itself may not be covered. In some cases, you also won’t be able to file a claim against an uninsured motorist if they hit you.
  • The claim was too much for the insurance to pay. Insurance policies have limits, and if you go over them, they won’t be able to give you the money you want.
  • There’s a lapse in the coverage. This can happen if you don’t pay your premiums on time and can result in you not having the coverage you need.
  • The accident wasn’t reported on time, meaning that the time to file and receive compensation has passed.
  • The at-fault driver’s insurance company was the one that denied your claim. 
  • The claimed damages were false or didn’t happen at the time of the alleged accident.

In many of these cases, there are ways you can still claim your compensation, which means that you don’t have to suffer with the damages in silence. 

What You Can Do 

If you’d like to keep pursuing your car insurance claim after the claim was originally denied, you have to take action as soon as you can and prepare in advance. Having the proper compensation is a necessity to continue to live a happy and healthy life after what happened, which is why it’s important to handle it correctly.

  • Start gathering the evidence needed to file an appeal. From eyewitness reports to your medical records, this evidence will be used to contest the claim and build up the case as to why you should be compensated.
  • Draft your appeal letter. Using the evidence you’ve gathered, you can state your case in writing and explain why all of the evidence is relevant to the insurance claim. This letter should be as detailed as possible, incorporating the relevant policy information and the reasons for the denial. 
  • Hire an attorney. While not all of these cases have to go to court, some ultimately will, and a jury will be the final vote as to whether or not the insurance company should pay out. Beyond going to trial, however, your attorney will be an expert at finding evidence, speaking with witnesses, gathering necessary documents, understanding the laws and policies relevant to your case, and helping you write your appeal letter. 

Work With a Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents can be stressful enough without having to deal with a denied insurance claim on your own. Not only is the process difficult and time-consuming, but you need to find the right lawyer to work with you. Anyone in Georgia can call Lamar Law Group to help them pursue an appeal on a denied car insurance claim. With a high rate of successful cases and a deep understanding of car accident law and insurance policies, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.