If a car accident wasn’t your fault, it’s not fair for you to deal with pain and suffering, trauma, and medical and repair expenses without compensation. It’s important to seek compensation, and our team at Lamar Law Office, LLC, is here to help you understand why. 

How to Receive Compensation for a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault 

In the United States, states are either no-fault or at-fault, which means that the insurance company that compensates you after a car accident may differ depending on where you live. Georgia is what is called an at-fault state, which means that the insurance companies of the involved parties determine who is at fault in every car accident. They might assign partial fault to each party too. If you are found to be less than 50% at fault, then you can receive compensation for the accident by filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. You can do this even before the company officially determines fault, but be aware that disputes can arise, and the legal complexities may get confusing. 

What Should You Do After a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?

In order to receive compensation after a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you need to take some specific steps in the aftermath of the accident. 

First, the most important thing to do is to get to safety and tend to your medical needs and those of other people in your car. Don’t worry about the legal complications until you are sure you and your loved ones are safe. If you were not hurt at the scene of the accident, and it is not risky to remain in the area, take pictures and videos of the damages and try to speak with witnesses who can describe what they saw happen. 

Then you need to contact your insurance. Even if you are not at fault, it is important that they know what happened so they can investigate the evidence themselves and come to a conclusion about who is at fault. If you believe you are not at fault, you can also file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If you are found to bear less than half the responsibility for the accident, you are entitled to compensation for your losses. 

Do I Need a Lawyer To Receive Compensation for a Car Accident?

You do not technically need a lawyer to receive compensation, but an experienced car accident lawyer can be a priceless asset in ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. When you file a claim with an at-fault party’s insurance, the insurance company might dispute it. In some cases, if the insurance company cannot determine fault, the matter might even go to court, where it’s important to have skilled professionals there to support you. 

The right car accident lawyer can help you file your claim with the other insurance company and make sure it is done properly. They can walk you through the legal matters at stake in your specific case and help address any complications that arise, like if the insurance company tries to blame you or if you are denied compensation.  

Consult With A Dedicated Car Accident Lawyer Today 

Our team at Lamar Law Office, LLC knows the ins and outs of the court system and can smoothly walk you through earning your compensation after a car accident. We take protecting your rights seriously and won’t stand for an insurance company trying to prevent you from getting what you deserve after all you have been through. Contact us, and we can give you all the guidance you need.